Data Recovery
Call us, Shut it off, Bring it in.

No Data, No Charge!

No Data, No Charge!

Can’t find your pictures? Accidentally delete a file? Erased your important emails? We all have these kinds of problems. Don’t worry, we can help you.

If you have lost important data, always call Vertex; we will tell you the next step. If we are not available and you think that your data is lost due to a system crash, physical damage to the computer, or other hardware failure, the first step to recovery is to shut down the system. If it is severely damaged, or you think it has crashed (or is crashing), turn off the computer at the main switch without going through normal shut-down procedures. Then, unplug the system and bring it to us as soon as possible. Do not try to recover data yourself. This can cause further loss of data.

If you suspect that water damage is the problem, do not try to dry it out, just call us or bring it in immediately. If you hear unusual noise coming from your computer, don’t try to analyze it, call us.

If you have accidentally deleted an important file or think a virus is to blame, call us. The same is true if you see messages like: “Volume Corrupt” or “Operating System Not Found”.

If you are not a professional, trying to recover the data yourself is the most likely way that you will damage or lose it completely. We won’t scold you if your backup was not up-to-date, and we won’t shake our heads if you pushed the wrong button or dropped your laptop in the bathtub. We have the knowledge and the professional equipment to recover data when hardware, software, or operator error has caused the loss of important information, precious memories, data, or documents. If it can be recovered, and most of the time it can, we’ll get it back for you.

Remember: Call us, shut it off, and bring it in!

Craig Wright

Craig Wright

21st Centrury Plastics Corporation, Lansing, MI

Vertex has been our go-to for computer needs over the last 15 years. They have always done a great job for us, and we have used them for everything from website hosting, to network needs.